Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Yellowstone 2008

Yellowstone Lake

Each year I take a trip with my Father In Law. Normally we climb a major peak, or at least try to, but this year a friend recommended we take a Canoe trip in Yellowstone National Park. Now, we live about 3 hours from the South Entrance but in the 4 years we have been back in Wyoming this is only my 2nd trip there.

An amazing statistic is that 3,000,000 people (6 times the Wyoming Population) visit YNP each year, yet only 2% of them ever leave the pavement.

For our trip we paid Xanterra an ungodly fee to ferry us over to the SouthEast Arm of Yellowstone Lake. from there we took canoes 7 miles down to the very Southern end of the lake to camp. We were there for 4 nights, and I must say it was a trip that will be in my memories forever.

Even though we were in the middle of the busiest park in the US we went a full day without seeing anybody. The only sign we weren't totally alone was flickering campfires on the distant shores.

The picture above was taken from our 2nd campsite. The weather was unbelievable, the scenery beyond compare. I will post a few more pictures in the coming days.


rashbre said...

Thats a beautiful view. I'e visited Yellowstone Park once, but am probably in the 'near pavement' category because we were en route at the time. Having said that, we spent some idyllic time in Western Canada this sumer and has some similar beautiful scenery well off the beaten track.

Happy to be here for my fist visit, via Michele! Hiya!


rashbre said...

(oops - excuse all of the typos in the above!)

Nikki - Notes of Life said...

The photo is beautiful. It sounds like a wonderful trip, especially without all the other tourists!

P.S. - I came here via Michele's :)

carmilevy said...

When I was in my teens, I was part of a camp trip to a huge park in northern Quebec. We spent 7 days canoeing through a massive park where we also crossed no one else's path.

It's a trip that I remember vividly to this day. And your picture and thoughtful words brought it all back. I need to do it again...preferably with someone from my family who matters. I think you've planted some seeds. Thanks!

galleygrapevine said...

Sounds amazing and the photo is Awesome! There are a lot of people that stay at the hotel that are heading to YS. I bet they don't see anything close to what you did.
We have been several time but have only hit the "tourist" sites. We did see a baby black bear on our last trip though.

Dustin's Fly Box said...

I had no idea they got that many people. I grew up in island park but live in vegas now and an avid fly tier :)

Great blog, you got a new follower